"What is to give light must endure burning." --Viktor Frankl

“I have wasted years of my life
agonizing about the fires
I started when I thought that to be strong you must be flame-retardant”

--Amanda Palmer, Ampersand

“When you learn to love yourself
You will dissolve all the stones that are cast
Now you will learn to burn the icing sky
To melt the waxen mask
I said to have the gift of true release
This is a peace that will take you higher
Oh I come to you with my offering
I bring you strange fire”

--Indigo Girls, Strange Fire

28 August 2011

Fine Tuning

Circa 2005: I assigned a name acrostic poem exercise in a creative writing class I was teaching and had fun creating one of my own.

Just don’t call me Dee Dee— or beware the
Anger buried beneath layers of lace and laughter
Nearly purple but not too blue, my rainbow, an
Inch or two too short, heavy with candles,
Cosmetics, compound sentences, Coca-Cola with crushed ice and a straw
Easily too much chocolate, but never enough when
Cats escape and turn into tigers, questions escape and turn into
Avalanches. The answer, I discovered, decked out in
Renaissance-style Stevie-esque handkerchief hems and high-heeled boots:  
Everyone suffers—even Eric, my
Love, whose Tibetan singing bowl I covet. Some days he finds me
Lingering in the aisles in Barnes and Noble,
Ogling books instead of grading, imagining possibilities.

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