"What is to give light must endure burning." --Viktor Frankl

“I have wasted years of my life
agonizing about the fires
I started when I thought that to be strong you must be flame-retardant”

--Amanda Palmer, Ampersand

“When you learn to love yourself
You will dissolve all the stones that are cast
Now you will learn to burn the icing sky
To melt the waxen mask
I said to have the gift of true release
This is a peace that will take you higher
Oh I come to you with my offering
I bring you strange fire”

--Indigo Girls, Strange Fire

24 July 2011

Sestina for Sixteen

Circa 2000. Marks the beginning of the end of my obsession with Stevie Nicks

“I’ll follow you down till the sound of my voice will haunt you . . .
You are the sound of my voice . . .”  --Stevie Nicks

Come in out of the darkness,                                                                      
came the melodic invitation,
wrapped in ribbons and lace:
a raspy-voiced woman
dancing out of my radio
like a genie from a magic lamp.

Enraptured, I began rubbing the lamp,
surrounded by darkness, 
and responded to the radio,
I accept the invitation;
I wish to become a woman:
a woman like you, arranged in lace.

As if any measure of lace
could cast my rusty voice into a lamp,
make me that kind of woman,
illuminating darkness,
issuing invitations,
working magic through the radio.
There was no reply from the radio,
so I amplified the lace.
Repeat the invitation,
I cried, lacing into the dimming lamp,
but the voice became darkness.
Finally I recognized the woman.

She was searching for another woman
who would free her from the radio:
a woman unafraid of the darkness
unveiled when you lift the lace
from the face of a burning lamp–
I had misread the invitation.

It’s just a feeling, the invitation:
the kind a woman
can forge into a lamp,
a two-way radio
possessing magic that can unlace
a woman with darkness.

Undoing the laces, sings the woman
with the woman on the radio, inviting
the darkness that has become her lamp.

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